Sunday, October 31, 2010

रोवे गऊ माई रे

रोवे गऊ माई रे

बूचडख़ाने लग रह्या, आज म्हने कसाई रे

कठै म्हारा पूत भायला रोवे गऊ माई रे....

मरूधरा की भौम सपूतां वीरां री खाण है।

उणारे तरकस मांय नीत, गौरक्षा रा बाठ है।

म्हारी रखा इण जग में उण पूतां रे पाण है।

हिवड़े हाथ कसमां लेता, गऊ माता री आण है।

उण भोम रा पूत आज, क्यूं सुता तांण खुंटाई रे

कठै म्हारा पूत भायला रोवे गऊ माई रे.....

इन्दु म्हारे मन री पीड़ा, आज थनै सुणाऊ रे

म्हारे वंश रा उपकार किण भांत गिणाऊ रे।

उपकारा रे ईटा सूं सोने से महल चिणाऊं रे

उणरे आगे शिरबन्द, कान्हा रो मंदिर बणाऊं रे

सत् त्रेता अर द्वापर युग की बातां मनड़े आई रे

कठै म्हारा पूत भायला रोवे गऊ माई रे.....

रघुकुल मांय जाम्भोजी रे चरणे म्हारे आया रे

कहयो ऋषि पूत पावेला इण रे आशीष पाया रे

कैहरी आय ताडुक्यो, खावण म्हारी काया रे

खुद ने अरपण कीनो राजा तरकस धर छांया रे

म्हारी आशीष सूं ही रघुकुल गोद भराई रे

कठै म्हारा पूत भायला रोवे गऊ माई रे.....

द्वापर युग देवकी जायो, आयो म्हने चरावण ने

कान्हो जग में जाणिजे, म्हारो सागे जावण ने

कुचला दूध सहेजती, म्हारो बछड़ो कान्हो आवण ने

सुरगां सूं भी मूंगो गोकुल उण री याद सताई रे

कठै म्हारा पूत भायला रोवे गऊ माई रे.....

पण इण कलयुग मांय दमड़ो म्हारे घुटे हैं।

इंसान रो स्वार थपणो, म्हारी काया लूटे रे

म्हारी कंवली चमड़ी ने लाठियां सूं कूटे रे

भूखी तिरसी बन्ध्योड़ी, गायां घणाई खूंटे है।

तिनका तिनका सांरू फिरे, कान्हा थारी मांई रे

कठै म्हारा पूत भायला रोवे गऊ माई रे.....

आधुनिकता री दौड़, मिनखां ने लागे सुहणी रे

घी-दूध नै छोड़ मानखे पीवे बोतल पाणी रे

इण दौड़ र मांय सगला शहर-गांव अर ढ़ाणी रे

मिनखां मांय मिनखपणा री बातां गरत समाई रे

कठै म्हारा पूत भायला रोवे गऊ माई रे.....

भोजन सूं पेतला नीत, गऊ-ग्रास देवता रे

परभाते रोटी रै सागे, दही माखण लेयता रे

म्हारा पुरखा दिुगे बातां आ ही कैवता के

इण भोम दूध रे सागे, घी रा नाला बेवता रे

कठै म्हारा पूत भायला रोवे गऊ माई रे.....

म्हारो जायो बलदियो, देवे थाने कमाई रे

करसां सागे उणरा भी, पसीनो धरा समाई रे

बंजर भोम माथे व्है, हरी रंगत रमाई रे

मानव हित मांय उणा, पूरी उमर गंवाई रे

कुआं सूं पाणी निकाल, भेजता दूर ताई रे

कठै म्हारा पूत भायला रोवे गऊ माई रे.....

म्हारे रग-रग मांय देवता रो वास रे

तेतीस करोड़ देवता, अर कान्हा रो रास रे

देवतावां ने भी रेवती कामधेनूं सूं आस रे

म्हारो सहारो लेय कान्हो, बुलातो राधा ने पास रे

पण इण कलयुग म्हारो सारू आगे कुओ लोर खाई रे

कठै म्हारा पूत भायला रोवे गऊ माई रे.....

बिन स्वारथ बेचो म्हने, कसाईयों रे हाथ रे

नेणां सामी दिखण लागे म्हाने काल री रात रे

मेला मांये बेचण री फर्जी रसीद थमाई रे

कठै म्हारा पूत भायला रोवे गऊ माई रे.....

बूचडख़ाने गेट माथे जद उतारण लाग्या रे

बछड़ां पांव मरग्या, आधा टूटा भाग्या रे

डोरी-डंडा लेय मांथ सूं दस कसाई आया रे

बोल्या कमाई घणी होवसी, भाग आपणा जागया रे

पूंछड़ा खींच नीचे नवाया, हंस हंस ने कसाई रे

कठै म्हारा पूत भायला रोवे गऊ माई रे.....

जो मरग्या बीच सफर, उणरी जाणे सवाई रे

उंणारे नथुना मांयने तीखी लाठी घुसाई रे

बेसुधा ने उठावण सारू ठोके लाठी कसाई रे

कठै म्हारा पूत भायला रोवे गऊ माई रे.....

एक कसाई आयो इन्दु नली-डिब्बो हाथ रे

सिर माथे आय मार दी, एक जोर सूं लात रे

जीभड़ली फंस गया, म्हारा तीखा दांत रे

रक्तनिकालण सुई नली लगाई इण भांत रे

रक्तहीन काया रे आंख्या अंधारी छाई रे

कठै म्हारा पूत भायला रोवे गऊ माई रे.....

रण कसाई रो पाय ईशारो, दूजो ड्यूटी जाणी रे

उण रे हाथ बाल्टी मांय कलकत्तो पाणी रे

कवली काया सुलग गई लागी मौत आणी रे

जलया सगला देव अर सागे उणारी राणो रे

लाठी सूं पीटण लाग्यो काया ने देवण नरमाई रे

कठै म्हारा पूत भायला रोवे गऊ माई रे.....

उण रे बाद एक मशीन, आगे तीखी करवत रे

काली स्याही सूं मिट गयो, हिये आस रो खत रे

टुकड़ा-टुकड़ा कीना म्हारा होय व्है मदमस्त रे

डिब्बा-डिब्बा पैक होय, स्वाद बणी घण हस्त रे

सपने आय यों आप बीती गऊ इन्दु ने सुनाई रे

कठै म्हारा पूत भायला रोवे गऊ माई रे.....

खूंटी तांण क्यूं सूतो, मानखा अबे जाग रे

गौमाता ने निगत रह्या बूचडख़ाना नाग रे

भूखी-तिरसी मरे मावड़ी, हरखै चील काग रे

कठै म्हारा पूत भायला रोवे गऊ माई रे.....

घर घर माय राखणो, गऊ मां की तस्वीर रे

इण रे आशीष सूं बदलेता, आपणी तकदीर रे

अबे कोनी बरसेला गऊ की आख्या नीर रे

बजरंग बिश्रोई ने साची बात बताई रे

बूचडख़ाने लग रह्या आज म्हाने कसाई रे

कठै म्हारा पूत भायला रोवे गऊ माई रे.....

ओ३म् विष्णु ओ३म् विष्णु विष्णु

ओ३म् विष्णु विष्णु विष्णु विष्णु

गौमाता की सेवा करना प्रत्येक समाज का कत्र्तव्यधर्म है। जैसे श्रीगुरु जम्भेश्वरजी भगवान ने 27 वर्ष बाल्यकाल में गायें चराई।

बजरंगलाल बिश्रोई

नोखा तहसील अध्यक्ष

कामधेनु राष्ट्रीय गौरक्षा समिति

Sunday, November 8, 2009

गुरु जम्भेश्वर मंदिर में हरिकथा का आगाज शोभायात्रा से हुआ।

             यहाँ शहीद अमृता देवी उद्यान स्थित गुरु जम्भेश्वर भगवान के मंदिर से गाजे बाजे के साथ कलश यात्रा में जनसैलाब उमड़ा। मनमोहक झांकियां आकर्षण का केन्द्र रही। धार्मिक उल्लास के साथ श्रद्धालुओं का हुजूम उमड़ा। शोभायात्रा जम्भेश्वर मंदिर वोढा से रवाना होकर ,पुर ,सेडिया ,अरनाय ,लियादारा होते हुए गावं के चारों ओर से होते हुए पहुंची। रास्ते में जगह जगह पुष्प वर्षा से स्वागत किया गया। जम्भेश्वर मंदिर ट्रस्ट वोढा के तत्वाधान में आयोजित होने वाली हरिकथा कल मंगलवार को शुरू हुई . एक सप्ताह चलने वाली सात दिवसी जाम्भाणी हरिकथा मंगलवार को शुरु हुई। प्रात: 11 बजे शोभायात्रा रवाना हुई।
           महिलाएं व बालिकाएं सिर पर कलश लिए आगे चल रही थी। पीछे पीछे छोटे बच्चे हाथों में तख्तियां थामे हुए। भजन मंडली शानदार प्रस्तुतियां देते हुए। गाजे बाजे के साथ शोभायात्रा में सैकड़ों लोग शामिल हुए। इस दौरान पन्द्रह झांकियां ने मनमोह लिया। रास्ते में जगह जगह सबीर व पुष्प वर्षा से स्वागत किया गया। इस शोभायात्रा में बड़ी तादाद में वाहन शामिल हुए। शोभायात्रा विभिन्न मार्गो से होते हुए पुन: जम्भेश्वर मंदिर पहुंची। जहां पर सात दिवसीय हरिकथा का दीप संत गोव्रधान्रम जी के हाथों प्रज्ज्वलित कर शुभारंभ किया गया। हरिकथा में श्रद्धालुओं का जन सैलाब उमड़ा। महिलाएं, पुरुष व बच्चों ने भाग लिया। इस मौके पर कई धार्मिक कार्यक्रम आयोजित हुए।

Thursday, November 5, 2009

विराट जाम्भानी हरिकथा का आयोजन

       सभी धर्मप्रेमियों को सहर्ष सूचित किया जाता है की श्री जम्भेश्वर मंदिर ट्रस्ट वोढा की ओर से
03-11-2009 से 09-11-2009 तक दोपहर 12 बजे से शाम 4 बजे तक विराट जाम्भानी हरिकथा का आयोजन किया जा रहा है ओर आप सभी से विनम्र निवेदन है की आप इस शुभ अवसर पर जरूर पधारें. ओर धार्मिक पर्वचन का लाभ उठायें.
आयोजनकर्ता : - श्री जम्भेश्वर मंदिर ट्रस्ट वोढा तथा समस्त ग्रामवासी
इनके सानिध्य में : - युवा -विद्वान आचार्य विश्नोई संत
                        डॉक्टर श्री गोवर्धन रामजी "शिक्षा शास्त्री" व्याकरण आचार्य,
साहित्य रतन ,M.A. ,P.H.D. "गोल्ड मेडलिस्ट"
स्थल :-शहीद अमृता देवी उद्यान ,श्री जम्भेश्वर मंदिर , वोढा,सांचोर,राज.

Monday, September 7, 2009


ENVIRONMENT MOVEMENTS IN INDIA BISHNOI MOVEMENT :it was started in 400 years ago by a Sage known as Sombaji. in Rajasthan, a large number of trees are still worshiped by devotees. people resisted the cutting of such tree & advocated movement against deforestation.CHIPKO MOVEMENT :It was started in 1973 is the Chamoli district of Uttranchal, Chipko movement was against deforestation. Sunderlal Bahueguna , Gauri devi & Chandi Prasad Bhatt were prominent leaders of this movement.NARMADA BACHAO ANDOLAN :it is a movement against building multi-purpose dam over Narmada river which will ultimately result in flood & water logging in large area covered by about 1,00,000 people. the movement is led by Medha Potekar, Baba Amte & Arundhati Roy.SILENT VALLEY MOVEMENT :it was a movement against a hydro-electric project on the river Kuthipuzha, atributory at Preiyar river. in fact, the project site is covered by evergreen forest which is a home of many rare species of plants & fauna which many be destroyed by submergence.BALIYAPAL MOVEMENT :It is a movement against testing of missiles on the land of Baliyal villagers which may lead to interfertitlity of soil.
BISHNOI MOVEMENTIn the year 1471 A.D., there was a severe drought in a village called Pipasar of Rajasthan. The drought lasted for three years. Every bit of grass and plants were chopped to feed the animals. Children starved, cattle were dying and there was not a drop of water. People left their homes to search for water. At that time, there was a man called 'Jambeshwar' who was acutely pained at the tragedy but wisely learnt a lesson. He noticed that, unlike in the past, the land was not able to withstand the destruction from the drought as a large number of trees had been felled. If life was to survive, people must understand the value of environment. He preached that the way in which we lived should be in harmony with nature and not against it. He came to be known as Guru Maharaj Jambaji. Jambaji put down his thoughts into 29 principles which are followed by his disciples who are known as Bishnois (20+9) or twentyniners. According to the religion preached by Jambaji, there was strict ban on:-- Killing of any animals or bird;- Felling of a green tree.
The unique religion of conservation was taken up by a large number of people in Rajasthan and the number of Bishnois increased to the entire village communities. This helped to make villages greener and restore the natural ecosystems. Vegetation naturally helped to recharge the ground water.
About 300 years after this religion was founded, the soldiers of king of Jodhpur tried to cut trees in a Bishnoi village of Khejadali so that a new place may be built for the king. The Bishnois tried to reason with them and stop them but in vain. But true of their religion, the Bishnois hugged the trees to protect them. The soldiers attacked them to overcome the protest and 363 Bishnois were killed. When the king heard of this massacre and the unique religion, he was overcome by people's devotion. He ordered his men to withdraw, gave the religion state sanction and ensured that the wishes of Bishnois were respected in future.
Even today, after many generations, Bishnois continue to protect the trees and animals. One can spot a Bishnoi village easily as being more green and abundant in wildlife. The population of Black Buck, which is in the list of endangered species, is found to be in greater number in Bishnoi villages than outside.
In today's environment, when many places are facing acute shortage of water and pollution of air, land and water, we need to take a lesson from Bishnois. Conservation is a religion every human being should adopt.CHIPKO MOVEMENT The In the 1970s, an organized resistance to the destruction of forests spread throughout India and came to be known as the Chipko movement. The name of the movement comes from the word 'embrace', as the villagers hugged the trees, and prevented the contractors' from felling them. Not many people know that over the last few centuries many communities in India have helped save nature. One such is the Bishnoi community of Rajasthan. The original 'Chipko movement' was started around 260 years back in the early part of the 18th century in Rajasthan by this community. A large group of them from 84 villages led by a lady called Amrita Devi laid down their lives in an effort to protect the trees from being felled on the orders of the Maharaja (King) of Jodhpur. After this incident, the maharaja gave a strong royal decree preventing the cutting of trees in all Bishnoi villages. In the 20th century, it began in the hills where the forests are the main source of livelihood, since agricultural activities cannot be carried out easily. The Chipko movement of 1973 was one of the most famous among these. The first Chipko action took place spontaneously in April 1973 in the village of Mandal in the upper Alakananda valley and over the next five years spread to many districts of the Himalayas in Uttar Pradesh. It was sparked off by the government's decision to allot a plot of forest area in the Alaknanda valley to a sports goods company. This angered the villagers because their similar demand to use wood for making agricultural tools had been earlier denied. With encouragement from a local NGO (non-governmental organization), DGSS (Dasoli Gram Swarajya Sangh), the women of the area, under the leadership of an activist, Chandi Prasad Bhatt, went into the forest and formed a circle around the trees preventing the men from cutting them down. The success achieved by this protest led to similar protests in other parts of the country. From their origins as a spontaneous protest against logging abuses in Uttar Pradesh in the Himalayas, supporters of the Chipko movement, mainly village women, have successfully banned the felling of trees in a number of regions and influenced natural resource policy in India. Dhoom Singh Negi, Bachni Devi and many other village women, were the first to save trees by hugging them. They coined the slogan: 'What do the forests bear? Soil, water and pure air'. The success of the Chipko movement in the hills saved thousands of trees from being felled. Some other persons have also been involved in this movement and have given it proper direction. Mr Sunderlal Bahuguna, a Gandhian activist and philosopher, whose appeal to Mrs Indira Gandhi, the then Prime Minister of India, resulted in the green-felling ban. Mr Bahuguna coined the Chipko slogan: 'ecology is permanent economy'. Mr Chandi Prasad Bhatt, is another leader of the Chipko movement. He encouraged the development of local industries based on the conservation and sustainable use of forest wealth for local benefit. Mr Ghanasyam Raturi, the Chipko poet, whose songs echo throughout the Himalayas of Uttar Pradesh, wrote a poem describing the method of embracing the trees to save them from felling: ' Embrace the trees and Save them from being felled; The property of our hills, Save them from being looted.'The Chipko protests in Uttar Pradesh achieved a major victory in 1980 with a 15-year ban on green felling in the Himalayan forests of that state by the order of Mrs Indira Gandhi, the then Prime Minister of India. Since then, the movement has spread to many states in the country. In addition to the 15-year ban in Uttar Pradesh, the movement has stopped felling in the Western Ghats and the Vindhyas and has generated pressure for a natural resource policy that is more sensitive to people's needs and ecological requirements. NARMADA BACHAO ANDOLANNarmada Bachao Andolan is the most powerful mass movement, started in 1985, against the construction of huge dam on the Narmada river. Narmada is the India's largest west flowing river, which supports a large variety of people with distinguished culture and tradition ranging from the indigenous (tribal) people inhabited in the jungles here to the large number of rural population. The proposed Sardar Sarovar Dam and Narmada Sagar will displace more than 250,000 people. The big fight is over the resettlement or the rehabilitation of these people. The two proposals are already under construction, supported by US$550 million loan by the world bank. There are plans to build over 3000 big and small dams along the river.
It is a multi crore project that will generate a big revenue for the government. The Narmada Valley Development plan is the the most promised and most challenging plan in the history of India. The proponents are of the view that it will produce 1450 MW of electricity and pure drinking water to 40 million people covering thousand of villages and towns. Some of the dams have been already been completed such as Tawa and Bargi Dams. But the opponents says that this hydro project will devastate human lives and bio diversity by destroying thousand of acres of forests and agricultural land. On the other hand it will overall deprive thousands of people of their livelihood. They believe that the water and energy could be provided to the people through alternative technological means, that would be ecologically beneficial.
Led by one of the prominent leader Medha Patkar, it has now been turned into the International protest, gaining support from NGO'S all around the globe. Protestors are agitating the issue through the mass media, hunger strikes, massive marches, rallies and the through the on screen of several documentary films. Although they have been protesting peacefully, but they been harassed, arrested and beaten up by the police several times. The Narmada Bachao Andolan has been pressurizing the world bank to withdraw its loan from the project through media.
The strong protests through out the country not only made impact on the local people but has also influenced the several famous celebrities like film star Aamir Khan , who has made open efforts to support Narmada Bachao Andolan. He said he only want that those who have been rendered homeless should be given a roof. He pleaded to the common people to take part in the moment and come up with the best possible solutions.
Save Silent Valley was a social movement aimed at the protection of Silent valley, an evergreen tropical forest in the Palakkad district of Kerala, India. It was started in 1973 to save the Silent Valley Reserve Forest in from being flooded by a hydroelectric project. The valley was declared as Silent Valley National Park in 1985.Kuntipuzha one of the major rivers takes its origin in the flush green forests of Silent valley. In 1928 the location at Sairandhri on the Kunthipuzha River was identified as an ideal site for electricity generation. A study and survey was conducted in 1958 of the area about the possibility of a hydroelectric project of 120 MV and one costing Rs. 17 Crore was later proposed by the Kerala State Electricity Board.The Kerala State Electricity Board (KSEB) decided to implement the Silent Valley Hydro-Electric Project (SVHEP) centered on a dam across the Kunthipuzha River in 1973. The resulting reservoir would have flood 8.3 km² of virgin rainforest. The proposal was enquired by National Committee on Environmental Planning and Co-ordination (NCEPC) and suggested 17 safeguards to be implemented in case the project implemented. A shortage of funds delayed activity. Even then from 1974 to 1975 a very large number of trees were felled in the area.KSEB announced its plan to begin dam construction in 1973After the announcement of imminent dam construction the valley became the focal point of "Save Silent Valley", India's fiercest environmental debate of the decade. Because of concern about the endangered lion-tailed macaque, the issue was brought to public attention. Romulus Whitaker, founder of the Madras Snake Park and the Madras Crocodile Bank, was probably the first person to draw public attention to the small and remote area.[3] In 1977 the Kerala Forest Research Institute carried out an Ecological Impact study of the Silent Valley area and proposed that the area be declared a Biosphere Reserve.In 1978 Smt. Indira Gandhi, the Honorable Prime Minister of India, approved the project, with the condition that the State Government enact Legislation ensuring the necessary safeguards. Also that year the IUCN (Ashkhabad, USSR, 1978) passed a resolution recommending protection of Lion-tailed Macaques in Silent Valley and Kalakkad and the controversy heated up. In 1979 the Government of Kerala passed Legislation regarding the Silent Valley Protection Area (Protection of Ecological balance Act of 1979) and issued a notification declaring the exclusion of the Hydroelectric Project Area from the proposed National Park.Kerala Sasthra Sahithya Parishath (KSSP) effectively aroused public opinion on the requirement to save Silent Valley. They also published a Techno-economic and Socio-Political assessment report on the Silent Valley Hydroelectric project. The poetactivistSugathakumari played an important role in the silent valley protest and her poem "Marathinu Stuthi" (Ode to a Tree) became a symbol for the protest from the intellectual community and was the opening song/prayer of most of the "save the Silent Valley" campaign meetings.[4] Dr. Salim Ali, eminent ornithologist of the Bombay Natural History Society, visited the Valley and appealed for cancellation of the Hydroelectric Project.[5] A petition of writ was filed before the High Court of Kerala, against the clear cutting of forests in the Hydroelectric Project area and the court ordered a stop to the clear cutting.Dr. M.S. Swaminathan, the renowned Agricultural Scientist, and then Secretary to the Department of Agriculture, called at the Silent Valley region and his suggestion was 389.52 km² including the Silent Valley (89.52 km²), New Amarambalam (80 km²), Attappadi (120 km²) in Kerala and Kunda in Tamilnadu (100 km²) reserve forests, should be made into a National Rainforest Biosphere Reserve, with the aim of "preventing erosion of valuable genes from the area".[6]Listen:(8:46) to Dr. M. S. Swaminathan speaking on Sustainable Development, p.83, August 27, 2002In January 1980 the Hon. High Court of Kerala lifted the ban on clear cutting, but then the Hon. Prime Minister of India requested the Government of Kerala to stop further works in the project area until all aspects were fully discussed. In December, the Government of Kelala declared the Silent Valley area, excluding the Hydroelectric Project area, as a National Park.In 1982 a multidisciplinary committee with Prof. M. G. K. Menon as chairman, was created to decide if the Hydroelectric Project was feasible without any significant ecological damage. Early in 1983, Prof. Menon's Committee submitted its report. After a careful study of the Menon report, the Hon. Prime Minister of India decided to abandon the Project. On October 31, 1984 Indira Gandhi was assassinated and on November 15 the Silent Valley forests were declared as a National Park, though the boundaries of the Silent Valley Park were limited and no buffer zone was created, despite recommendations by expert committees and scientists.A New Dam proposalIn 2001 a new Hydro project was proposed and the "Man vs. Monkey debate" was revived. The proposed site of the dam (64.5 m high and 275 m long) is just 3.5 km downstream of the old dam site at Sairandhiri, 500 m outside the National Park boundary.[8]. The 84 km² catchment of the project area included 79 km² of the Silent Valley National Park.The Kerala Minister for Electricity called The Pathrakkadavu dam (PHEP) an "eco-friendly alternative" to the old Silent Valley project. The PHEP was designed as a run-off-the-river project with an installed capacity of 70 MW in the first phase (105 MW eventually) and an energy generation of 214 million units (Mu) with a minimal gross storage of 0.872 million cubic metres. The claim was that the submergence area of the PHEP would be a negligible .041 km² compared to 8.30 km² submergence of the 1970s (SVHEP).[9]. However, The spectacular waterfall between the Neelikkal and Pathrakkadavu hills bordering the Silent Valley will disappear if the proposed Pathrakkadavu hydro-electric project is implemented.[10] - ImageDuring January to May 2003 a rapid Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) was carried out during by the Thiruvananthapuram-based Environmental Resources Research Centre and its report was released in December, stating that forest lost due to the project would be just .2216 km², not including the 7.4 km approach road and land to be acquired for the powerhouse in Karapadam.BALIYAPAL MOVEMENT
The Government of India decided to setup a missile testing range at Baliyapal in Orissa. Baliyapal become a centre of controversy because the area to be taken for the testing range area a very fertile area with thick population. The Government could not implement its decision because of the strong resistance of the people.
THE PLCHIMADA STRUGGLE"It is a new experience for us that water becomes a market commodity .It is alien to ourhabits. To sell bottled water is unjust and anti- nature."Veloor Swaminathan states the rationale of the struggle in these simple statements.Thestruggle against the multi-national Coca-Cola factory at Plachimada of Perumatty Panchayat in Chittoor Taluk of Palakkad district, Kerala has shown unique consistency and perseverance for the last two years. It has attracted considerable amount of international media attention and thus being projected as a symbolic model of resistance against multi-national colonization. As a result, similar struggles against Coca-Cola and the exploitation of scarce groundwater resources for its sake, is gaining momentum in Sivaganga in Tamilnadu and in Orissa. All these struggles have to be viewed in a perspective that would unveil the ruthless exploitative face of globalization and its agents, the multi-national giants. Rugmini (46), a resident of Plachimada colony, says that she does not experience any water scarcity before the company started functioning.
"We live here for the last 20 years. Before two years we need not have to go out to fetch water. But today we walk a distance of two and a half kilometers to collect two pots of water. The Panchayath who is supposed to serve the people dose not take any action to resolve this problem".
They for more than one and a half years are agitating against the human rights violation of the factory. People representing the five most affected colonies adjacent to the factory, who belong to Eravala, Malasar tribal communities and other scheduled cast communities have been holding demonstrations and sit-in strike in front the factory for the last one and a half years .On April 22nd 2002,around2000 men, women and children dwelling around the Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd at Plachimada, picketed the factory and gave an ultimatum to the authorities to quit immediately. The Adivasi Gotrasabha leader Ms. C.K.Janu inaugurated the overwhelming function. The police arrested all the people participated in the function. Blockades, Dharna and Picketing were all resorted to during this continuous protest againstthe wrongs of the mighty by the poor and the weak.The police accusing them of raising slogans against the multinational company, blocking the workers from entering the factory and indulging in anti-social activities, registered several cases against these poor people and their leaders. The company filed a case (OP No.11598) in the High Court demanding police protection from these 'anti- social elements'. The accused were Vilayodi Venugopal (Chairman,Adivasi Protection Council),Veloor Swaminathan(Convenor, Action Council) Subrahmanyan, Murukesan, Kochikkadu Mani,and Pazhaniswmi. But the High Court accepted a counter petition in file submitted by the Action Council explaining that they were waging a very just protest and it was their legitimate right to demonstrate in a peaceful and democratic manner. The MNC was clever enough to influence the media not to give coverage to the struggle. Obviously the news papers except a few cannot go against the interests of the MNCs like the HCC. Political parties, irrespective of their ideologies for or against globalization and WTO, have wooed their best to protect the interests of the factory depriving the basic rights and physical existence of those who elected them to power. As the days went by the national media just cannot but to give due coverage as the struggle was gaining momentum and international media attention Cases were registered one after another but it didn't affect the morale or political will of the people whatever be the financial burden it rendered.The giant factory that can literally dictate terms to political rulers, law enforcement agencies, civil servants etc., used its money power and muscle power to silence the people and it has been partly successful so much so that the police department, despite the fact that the petition by the factory for Police protection was dismissed by the high court of Kerala, has mis-informed the people that the factory has been granted police protection by the high court. There is heavy deployment ofpolice at the gate of the factory threatening the poor people of dire consequences if any attempt is made against the smooth functioning of the factor.

Thursday, August 27, 2009 is the man! there's no one who can argue that this dude is upper management material, with more decision making skills than your average ceo and a rare strength to take risks and stay the course. he doesn't know everything or have a masterplan for life, but he has his priorities straight and knows how to balance life and get the most out of what it has to offer. anyone whose talked to him knows about his witty sense of humor and that he's a smart & savvy kid. if he stands out from the crowd, its because he doesn't follow the herd... but you'd never know that coz he's one of the most down to earth i've met.


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Vision- the people who sacrifice their lives to save trees and animals, for whom their vision “Protection of Life” means a holy responsibility